Friday, October 31, 2008

Mortgage Plan May Irk Those It Doesn’t Help

This week my current event was from New York Times and it talked about a Treasury department prepares a $40 billion program to help delinquent homeowners avoid foreclosure. an airline pilot who lives outside Norwich, Conn. Mr. Lawrence has a traditional 30-year mortgage that he has no trouble paying every month. Homeowners who often borrowed irresponsibly are getting government assistance. Washington and Wall Street are frantically seeking to stabilize markets by curtailing the onslaught of foreclosure. But the benefit's of a bailout for his neighbors seem ephemeral to the 45-year-old Mr. Lawrence, especially because he figures the cost of helping them will come one way or another.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Red Ribbon Week

I think having a red ribbon week in our school is good so that way we learn the things tat can happen to use if we did them. Well i think everybody knows wat they can do 2 you but i don't think anybody takes it seriously y idk. So yea don't do drugs they r bad 4 u.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Not Snow

So yea i guess it started to snow last night and yea we got like 2 inches of snow we also got snow on the mountain but i don't know like how much. I like snow but not that much because it gets to cold and it gets really ugly and i just think it is way to cold i think snowboarding is cool but it gets to cold i am just not used to cold weather. I think this year we are going to have a lot of Snow maybe even more then last year.

About the bees being able to determine if there is going to be more snow i think it is true but yea i hop we don't get that much snow but we probably will get a lot of snow

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Apple & Pc

I think that new apple tat came out is very cool. This new Apple Mac Book Pro has a lot of capacity and it doesn't weight that much it only weights (5.5 pounds) it is also 0.95 inches thick. Mac also has a 5 hour battery. Anything that you could do with Pc now you Can also do with the new Mac. It has every thing the Pc has you can upload Windows on to the new Mac. It is also much bigger than other laptops so yea i think i would like to try it, it sounds exciting.

Monday, October 13, 2008


I say that just let us be who we r because maybe the way we dance is the way people will express the way they are. Maybe some people get offended but IDK.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I think that they should unblock a lot of our websites because it is causing a lot of problems in a lot of our classes. It is causing problems because sometimes when we have to do a research paper like lets say like on drugs we cant find anything on them so by not getting information how can you do ur research paper. I think we are old enough to know wat to do and wat no to do also and we are mature in of to know so like if we get on something we aren't supposed to go on then we might just have to deal with the consequences. Or if they are going to start blocking everything they y do we have a web than we might just not have anything if everything is going to be blocked......

Imagination V.S. Knowledge

Imagination and Knowledge are sort of the same but not really. Imagination is more like ur own idea and knowledge is basically is wat u already know. Knowledge is also like learning new stuff every day and knowing more thing and stuff like tat. Imagination u use ur own ideas and ur own thinking and some people have very big imaginations tat it could also help then with there knowledge.