Thursday, December 18, 2008

7 Days Till X-Mas

I am so excited for X-mas i cant wait i like it. It is so much fun and all teh presantes that you get and then i don't know it is just so exciting.
I really didn't ask for anything but i really hope i get like a cell phone or something like that o i don't know like money so that way i can buy myself anything that i wont.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Chocolate Covered Strawberries & Pretzels

I think that Chocolate covered Strawberries are the best they TASTE so GOOD i love them what i also like a lot is Chocolate covered Pretzels they are Delicious i like them a lot i also like to make them they are wonderful.

What i want for my B-DAY?????

SO MY B-DAY is coming up on the 23 and i am so excited i cant wait. Yea i know my b-day is close to x-mas but to me it is funner because i get presents on my b-day and also on x-mas. What i want for my b-day is a sidekick phone and an i-pod so yea but i cant wait.

Monday, December 15, 2008


This is a teenager and he is 16 years old and he was born with a Spina Bifida and since then he has been in a while chair but what i think he is a really talented teenager because he was on the World Record at the age a of 14 because he is the first one to do a back flip on a while chair. He can do six back flips in succession that is talent i think.

Touch Screens

I think it would be really cool to have a touch screen computer that would be something new for all of us and it would be really cool. It would also be really cool to have a touch screen cause instead of using a mouse you can use your fingers and that would be really cool. It would also be nice trying something new for everybody.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


I think that is really cool that you can get money off of YouTube just by putting a video on the web were alto of people will see it. It is cool but i don't think it would be something that i would do. I think you can be any age to be able to put a video but i don't think you can receive money till you are over age. You don't have to study anything i guess to be able to add a video on to a computer but i think they just have to be appropriate well also after you have turned 18 or if you are older i guess you can sign up so you can start receiving money off of YouTube.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I think that is ridicules what people do just to buy a ccomputar or maybe anything that is an sale. After all the stampede plunge was over the 34-year-old Jdimytai Damour was dead and a woman that was eight months pregnant were injured. The people took the doors off the hinges and that was when they trampled and killed him in front of the doors. Damour, was a teporary maintenance worker. Some officers who arrived to perform CPR on the trampled worker were stepped on. After that and sensing catostrophe nervous employees formed a human chain inside the entrance to slow down the mass of shoppers but it didn't work.